Hello and Welcome to Phonics and Homeschooling. The resources for teach children at home. A method of teaching reading in which people learn to associate letters with the speech sounds they represent, rather than learning to recognize the whole word as a unit. Also find information about children education at home or Homeschooling.

Back to School Tips for Homeschoolers

It’s autumn, and that means back-to-school time. Everywhere you go, you’ll see school buses starting up their routes again, Trapper Keepers on sale, and a lack of school-aged children in public parks during the morning hours.

For those of us who home-school our children, though, the routine isn’t quite the same. Maybe people opt for year-round school, and others have shorter breaks spread out throughout the year. However, there are still some ways that you can utilize the season to progress through your child’s education and refocus. Here are 5 ways to make an effective back-to-school season for homeschooling children and teachers.

Eating Healthier Can Reduce Stress

According to The American Institute of Stress, 3 out of 4 American adults regularly experience physical symptoms that are attributed to stress, while a similar number reports having psychological symptoms caused by stress. We live in an era that is increasingly being defined by our society’s relationship with stress, whether due to strain on our careers, relationships, or independent mental disorders.

For this reason, it’s important to take any steps necessary to reduce the hold that stress has on our minds and bodies. One simple step we can take towards this goal is using our diet to eat healthier...

Helping Your Child to Play Sports

Whether your child is 2 or 18, chances are they are active and interested in all things tech-oriented. But since many kids spend up to 8 hours a day in front of a screen, helping your child to get outside and experience a sport might be one of the best things you can do for them. Playing a sport not only improves health, it increases a child's self-esteem, improves relational skills when teamwork is involved, and helps youths' growing brains to focus on what is at hand, whether that's a basketball game or an exam.

Chidren Sport

Is there a certain activity your child gravitates to? Maybe they like to splash around in the pool. Or maybe they like to play catch. Even splashing and catching things can grow to become swimming and playing baseball or basketball. And being active in sports such as those help children to develop discipline, motivation, teamwork and passion. It also reduces stress. Such skills and tools will help them to navigate anything in life.

Negative and Positive Effects of Computer on Children

With the regular use of a computer, lives of children have been greatly affected. Nowadays, the use of a computer is increased on a large scale. People take help of computers to perform a certain task rather than doing their own because it is more reliable and efficient to solve certain problems. This has immensely affected the lives of children. Everything in this world comes with its own pros and cons, so do computers as well. The use of this technology can be very useful but dangerous too if used excessively.

Positive Effects
Educational sectors have introduced the use of the computer, years ago. Academic softwares can be employed to develop the learning skills in children. They can take help from internet to solve their assignment issues, read and research on various topics to enhance their knowledge and can perform academically related tasks on the go. Computers allow children of several age groups to build up artistic proficiency in photography, film-making, drawing and design as well.

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