Hello and Welcome to Phonics and Homeschooling. The resources for teach children at home. A method of teaching reading in which people learn to associate letters with the speech sounds they represent, rather than learning to recognize the whole word as a unit. Also find information about children education at home or Homeschooling.

Remember When You Were Very Young

It will help, however, consider some things adult readers tend to take for granted. It's easier to be patient with children when we remember how much they don't know. Here are a few concepts we adults know so well that we forget sometimes we ever had to learn them.

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  • There's a difference between words and pictures. Point to the print as you read aloud.
  • Words on a page have meaning, and that is what we learn to read.
  • Words go across the page from left to right. Follow with your finger as you read.
  • Words on a page are made up of letters and are separated by a space.
  • Each letter has at least two forms: one for capital letters and and one for small letters.

Imagine how you would feel if you were trying to interpret a book full of such symbols. That's how young readers feel. But, a little patience (maybe by turning it into a puzzle you can solve together) is certain to build confidence.