Hello and Welcome to Phonics and Homeschooling. The resources for teach children at home. A method of teaching reading in which people learn to associate letters with the speech sounds they represent, rather than learning to recognize the whole word as a unit. Also find information about children education at home or Homeschooling.


There is a wide variety of methods and materials. Families may adopt a particular educational philosophy such as:
  • Charlotte Mason education
  • Classical education (including Trivium, Quadrivium)
  • Montessori method
  • Theory of multiple intelligences
  • Unschooling
  • Waldorf education
  • School-at-home
  • A Thomas Jefferson Education
However, most choose a mixed, eclectic approach. For sources of curricula and books, "Homeschooling in the United States: 2003" found that 78 percent utilized "a public library"; 77 percent used "a homeschooling catalog, publisher, or individual specialist"; 68 percent used "retail bookstore or other store"; 60 percent used "an education publisher that was not affiliated with homeschooling." "Approximately half" used curriculum or books from "a homeschooling organization", 37 percent from a "church, synagogue or other religious institution" and 23 percent from "their local public school or district." 41 percent in 2003 utilized some sort of distance learning, approximately 20 percent by "television, video or radio"; 19 percent via "Internet, e-mail, or the World Wide Web"; and 15 percent taking a "correspondence course by mail designed specifically for homeschoolers."

Because laws vary according to individual government statutes, official curriculum requirements vary.


Anonymous said...

Books are so important to the development of reading habits on young children. Books are also important to the development of imagination and proper thought. We as human beings use nearly all our senses when we engage in our activities. The same goes for reading books. The trouble I have found is not in book popularity but in the sheer expense of stocking a big enough collection of books for me and my family. I am thankful to have received a big box of books from a friend this year. For literally pennies on the dollar my whole family has hundreds of books to choose from. will eliminate the costly expense of giving your kids hundreds of childrens titles for less than the price of a few cd's or books. Then you are free to spend the rest of your money on the hottest toys or game or other fancy young people are into. Instead of spending $50 on 3 books you can buy 100 of books delivered to your house for that amount. I thank GOD for companies like for offering books in bulk for middle-lower income families such as I.