This lesson provides a model of reflection for students as they listen to stories, begin to read stories, and develop their own written stories. The lesson can be used with any story; however in this case, the story of Corduroy allows for a personal connection by having students interact with a stuffed bear and write about their own adventures with Corduroy.
From theory to practice Wollman-Bonilla, J.E., & Werchadlo, B. (1999).
Teacher and peer roles in scaffolding first graders’ response to literature. The Reading Teacher, 52, 598-607. Literature response journals can help children to think about and respond to literature in new ways, thus guiding them to a deeper understanding of the communication of ideas through writing. Teacher instruction shifts in response to students’ developing capabilities and peers can influence the learning experience by sharing personal responses to literature. Encourage children to trust their own voices and express their thoughts clearly in writing.
by : Marilyn Cook, Port Aransas, Texas
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